Summer School on Mathematical and Practical Aspects of Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Multi-Linear Maps

Kasım 15, 2018

Date: October 12th-16th, 2015

Location: Paris, France

We will be hosting a summer school on the areas of Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Multi-Linear Maps. The school will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of these two topics, as well as cryptanalysis and applications. Current speakers who have confirmed will be

Zvika Brakerski, Weizmann Institute.
Leo Ducas, CWI.
Craig Gentry, IBM.
Shai Halevi, IBM.
Tancrede Lepoint, CryptoExperts.
Chris Peikert, Georgia-Tech.
Amit Sahai, UCLA.
Damien Stehlé, ENS-Lyon.

For further information, please click the link below.