************************* CALL FOR PAPERS *************************
19th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security
December 14-16, 2020, Vienna, Austria
For detailed information, please visit: website
The annual International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security
(CANS) focuses on current advances in all aspects of cryptology, data
protection, and network and computer security. The proceedings will be
published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer.
CANS 2020 is held in cooperation with the International Association of
Cryptologic Research (IACR).
*** Submission guidelines ***
High-quality papers on unpublished research and implementation
experiences are solicited for submission. All papers must be original
and not substantially duplicate work that has been published at or is
simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference/workshop
with proceedings. All submissions must be written in English, at most
20 pages in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
format, including title, abstract, and bibliography. The introduction
should summarise the contributions of the paper at the level
understandable for a non-expert reader. The introduction should also
explain the relation to related work. At most 4 pages of supplemental
material may be provided as well-marked appendices, however, the paper
should be intelligible without this material. Submissions must be
anonymous (no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious
The conference will also consider short papers, that is, submissions
of up to 8 pages (in the LNCS format), for results that are not yet
fully fleshed out or that simply require few pages to describe but
still make a significant contribution. All submissions must be
processed with LaTeX2e according to the instructions given by
Springer. Submitted manuscripts must be typeset in plain Springer LNCS
format, in particular without changing the font size, margins or line
spacing. Submissions not meeting these guidelines may be rejected
without consideration of their merits.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via easychair:
*** Presentation and publication ***
At least one author of every accepted paper must register to the
conference by the early registration deadline indicated by the
organizers. Papers without a registered author will be removed from
the proceedings. Authors have to present their own paper(s).
Proceedings including all accepted papers will be published in LNCS
and will be available at the conference.
*** Dates ***
Paper submission: June 21, 2020
Author notification: August 30, 2020
Camera-ready version: September 19, 2020
Conference: December 14-16, 2020
*** Chairs ***
PC Chairs:
* Haya Shulman (Fraunhofer SIT, Germany)
* Serge Vaudenay (EPFL, Switzerland)
General Chair:
* Stephan Krenn (AIT, Austria)
*** Areas of Interest ***
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Access Control
* Embedded System Security
* Security in Pervasive Systems
* Anonymity & Pseudonymity
* Formal Methods for Security
* Security in Social Networks
* Applied Cryptography
* Hash Functions
* Sensor Network Security
* Attacks & Malicious Code
* Identity Management
* Trust Management
* Authentication, Identification
* Key Management
* Usable Security
* Biometrics
* Language-Based Security
* Virtual Private Networks
* Block & Stream Ciphers
* Malware Analysis and Detection
* Wireless and Mobile Security
* Blockchain Security and Privacy
* Network Security
* Peer-to-Peer Security & Privacy
* Cryptographic Algorithms and Primitives
* Security and Privacy for Big Data
* Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
* Cryptographic Protocols
* Security and Privacy in the Cloud
* Public Key Cryptography
* Cyberphysical Security
* Security in Content Delivery
* Secure Distributed Computing
* Data and Application Security
* Security in Crowdsourcing
* Security Architectures
* Data and Computation Integrity
* Security in zGrid Computing
* Security Metrics
* Data Protection
* Security in the Internet of Things
* Security Models
* Denial of Service Protection
* Security in Location Services
* Security Policies