The Second International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security(ISDFS) will take place in Houston, Texas, USA, on May 12th and 13th, 2014. The symposium is organized by a consortium established by Firat University (Türkiye), Sam Houston State University (USA), Gazi University (Türkiye), Turkish National Police Academy, and University of Arkansas at Little Rock (USA). The symposium focuses on both theoretical and applied digital and cyber forensics, information security issues, and the legal context. ISDFS is dedicated to the exchange of ideas, research, experience, and best practice within forensics and security sciences and related issues. All submitted papers are subject to blind review, and accepted papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings within a CD. Accepted papers subjected to a second blind review process for electronic publication in the e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, International Journal of Information Security Science (, and TBV Turkish Journal of Computer Science and Engineering.