DETIPS 2020 is calling for papers.
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Trust, Identity, Privacy, and Security in the Digital Economy (DETIPS 2020), in affiliation with ESORICS 2020 (Virtual event) Workshop link: Click Here! Important Deadlines • Submission deadline: June 21st, 2020 • Notification of acceptance: July 26th, 2020 • Camera-ready: TBA • Workshop: September 18th, 2020 Description The Interdisciplinary Workshop on Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security in the Digital Economy (DETIPS) is a virtual workshop organized by SCCS (University of Surrey). The aim is to bring together researchers solving real problems in cross-disciplinary aspects of trust, identity, privacy and security in the context of digital economy and its applications. This workshop is supported by the UKRI EPSRC Digital Economy theme and affiliated with the 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2020): Program Committee • General chair: Constantin Catalin Dragan (University of Surrey, UK) • PC chairs: Ioana Boureanu, Mark Manulis (University of Surrey, UK) Areas of interest We welcome original research submissions addressing various areas of interest in relation to Digital Economy: • Trust: risk management, trust models, reputation systems, trustworthy AI, trust perception, human and societal aspects of trust in technology, technology acceptance, legal aspects, etc. • Identity: identity management, web authentication, access control, online fraud, legal aspects, socio-technical aspects, etc. • Privacy: policies/GDPR, data protection, data sharing, anonymity, privacy-enhancing technologies, privacy for DLT applications, AI and privacy, legal aspects, socio-technical aspects, etc. • Security: digital transactions, cloud/IoT security, usability, legal aspects, socio-technical aspects, DLT security, security and AI, etc. Submission guidlines are available on the workshop website Go to Website Publication Accepted papers will be published as Springer LNCS post-proceedings in a joint volume other ESORICS workshops (DeSECSys, MPS, SPOSE) Other ESORICS Workshops. The post-proceedings will be published within a couple of months after the workshop. Program Committee Arosha Bandara (The Open University, UK) Colin Boyd (NTNU, Norway) Jo Briggs (Northumbria University, UK) John Collomosse (University of Surrey, UK) Mauro Conti (University of Padua, Italy) Kovila Coopamootoo (Newcastle University, UK) Alexandra Dmitrienko (University of Würzburg, Germany) Karen Elliott (Newcastle University, UK) Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University, Sweden) Duncan Hodges (Cranfield University, UK) Mark W. Jones (Swansea University, UK) Sokratis Katsikas (NTNU, Norway) Alptekin Küpçü (Koç University, Türkiye) Shujun Li (University of Kent, UK) Wendy Moncur (University of Dundee, UK) Cristina Onete (University of Limoges, France) Olivier Pereira (UCL Louvain, Belgium) Delphine Reinhardt (University of Göttingen, Germany) Peter Roenne (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) P. Y. A. Ryan (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu University, Japan) Joerg Schwenk (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) Aad Van Moorsel (University of Newcastle, UK) Wim Vanderbauwhede (University of Glasgow, UK) Melek Önen (Eurecom, France)