To register for the online webinar Future of Cryptographic Engineering: Link
Speakers & Title of Talk:
Ingrid Verbauwhede-COSIC Research Group of the Electrical Engineering Department, KU Leuven, Belgium
Title of Talk: Recent result with EM attacks: passive observation and active pertubation
Thomas Eisenbarth-University of Lübeck, Germany
Title of Talk: Isolated execution environments as a building block for secure systems
Patrick Schaumont-Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Title of Talk: Hardening Software against Implementation Attacks using Parallel Synchronous Programming
Christof Paar– Ruhr University Bochum, Germany and Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Germany
Title of Talk: Hardware Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries
Francisco Rodríguez Henríquez-Cryptography Research Centre, TII, UAE Computer Science Department, Cinvestav, Mexico
Title of Talk: How long can we safely use pre-quantum ECC?
Aydın Aysu-NC State University, USA
Title of Talk: The future of physical side-channel analysis: the next decade